عدد الرسائل : 950 العمر : 30 الدولة : `·. مـ.ــصــ.ـراوي `·. بلدي : مودك إيه : شغال إيه : الهواية : تاريخ التسجيل : 05/12/2007
معلومات العضو الإسم: احمد ايمن ابراهيم الهواية: كرة القدم العمل: شغال فى كل حاجة
موضوع: Sygate Personal Firewall 5.6.3408 Final الخميس 20 مارس 2008, 20:49
Protect your PC from hackers and other threats with this multi-layered firewall. Good news: Someone's interested in your small business. Bad news: They're hackers. Sygate Personal Firewall PRO covers all the bases covered by Personal Firewall, but adds new network layer protection measures, an application-based detection system (IDS), and operating system security protection. It can automatically terminate common attacks, such as known Trojans and Denial of Service Zombies. This firewall's defense mechanisms can also keep malicious code or users from disabling the firewall.